Jean Baptiste Étienne Simon, 18101877 (aged 67 years)

Jean Baptiste Étienne /Simon/
Given names
Jean Baptiste Étienne
Birth July 22, 18104:00 38 34

Roi de France
Louis XVII
April 6, 1814 (aged 3 years)

Régime politique
March 22, 1815 (aged 4 years)

Roi de France
June 22, 1815 (aged 4 years)

Birth of a sisterMarie Anne Simon
December 10, 181510:00 (aged 5 years)
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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Vue 199}

Birth of a sisterMarie Madeleine Simon
December 4, 181812:00 (aged 8 years)
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Roi de France
Charles X
September 16, 1824 (aged 14 years)

Roi des Français
Louis-Philippe Ier
August 9, 1830 (aged 20 years)

Note: dernier roi de France
Death of a sisterMarie Madeleine Simon
January 14, 1837 (aged 26 years)
Birth of a sonNicolas Simon
about 1838 (aged 27 years)

Death of a fatherJean Baptiste Simon
March 22, 18407:00 (aged 29 years) Age: 68
Informant: Nicolas André Simon (aged 37 years) — son
Informant: Joseph Simon (aged 39 years) — son
Death of a motherFrançoise Riche
March 22, 1841 (aged 30 years) Age: 68
Informant: Nicolas André Simon (aged 38 years) — son
Informant: Joseph Simon (aged 40 years) — son
Death of a brotherJoseph Simon
May 7, 18449:00 (aged 33 years) Age: 42
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\f0\fs24 \cf0 vue 543}

Régime politique
Gouvernement Provisoire de 1848
February 25, 1848 (aged 37 years)

Régime politique
IIe République
November 4, 1848 (aged 38 years)

1er président de la République Française
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte
December 10, 1848 (aged 38 years)

Empereur des Français
Napoléon III
December 4, 1852 (aged 42 years)

DeathJoseph Mangeol
February 26, 1858 (aged 47 years)
Death of a brotherNicolas André Simon
November 17, 18703:00 (aged 60 years) Age: 68
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\f0\fs24 \cf0 vue 669}

Guerre franco-allemande
from July 19, 1870 to January 29, 1871 (aged 60 years)

Régime politique
IIIe République
September 4, 1870 (aged 60 years)

2ème président de la République Française
Adolphe Thiers
August 31, 1871 (aged 61 years)

Death of a wifeMarie Catherine Boudot
January 4, 187214:00 (aged 61 years) Husband: 69
3ème président de la République Française
Patrice de Mac-Mahon
May 24, 1873 (aged 62 years)

Death of a sisterBarbe Françoise Simon
April 6, 1874 (aged 63 years) Husband: 69
Informant: Joseph Mangeol (aged 43 years) — son
Death December 31, 187716:00 (aged 67 years) Husband: 67
Family with parents
Christening: November 4, 1771 33 31Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: March 22, 1840Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Birth: January 20, 1776 26 31Deneuvre, 54154, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: March 22, 1841Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
elder sister
Birth: October 27, 1796 24 20Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
2 years
elder brother
Birth: December 23, 1798 27 22Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: June 10, 1803Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
2 years
elder brother
Birth: January 25, 1801 29 25Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: May 7, 1844Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
21 months
elder brother
Birth: October 17, 1802 30 26Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: November 17, 1870Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
4 years
elder sister
Birth: August 5, 1806 34 30Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: April 6, 1874Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
4 years
Birth: July 22, 1810 38 34Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: December 31, 1877Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
6 years
younger sister
Birth: December 10, 1815 44 39Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: February 2, 1878
3 years
younger sister
Birth: December 4, 1818 47 42Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: January 14, 1837Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Family with Marie Catherine Boudot
Birth: July 22, 1810 38 34Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: December 31, 1877Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Birth: calculated 1803
Death: January 4, 1872Neufmaisons, 54396, Meurthe-et-Moselle, GRAND EST, FRANCE