François Michelet, 1701

François /Michelet/
Given names
Birth September 7, 1701 37
Christening of a sisterPerrine Michelet
June 11, 1703 (aged 1 year)
Note: Vue 143
Christening of a brotherJoseph Michelet
March 24, 1705 (aged 3 years)
Note: Vue 150
Christening of a sisterMichelette Michelet
December 27, 1706 (aged 5 years)
Note: Vue 156
Burial of a paternal grandmotherGuillemine Bureau
July 23, 1708 (aged 6 years) Husband: 85
Birth of a brotherPierre Michelet
November 1708 (aged 7 years)

Note: Vue 177
Christening of a sisterFrançoise Michelet
May 6, 1711 (aged 9 years)
Note: Vue 177
Burial of a brotherPierre Michelet
January 3, 1712 (aged 10 years) Husband: 3
Note: Vue 182
Burial of a paternal grandfatherJean Michelet
October 1, 1712 (aged 11 years) Husband: 80
Attending: François Michelet (aged 48 years) — son
Attending: Perrine Michelet (aged 40 years) — daughter
Roi de France
Louis XV le Bien-Aimé
September 1, 1715 (aged 13 years)

Burial of a fatherFrançois Michelet
March 14, 1719 (aged 17 years) Age: 55 Husband: 45
Note: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf47…

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1404\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0

\f0\fs24 \cf0 Vue 209}

Burial of a sisterPerrine Michelet
March 29, 1766 (aged 64 years)
Roi de France
Louis XVI
May 10, 1774 (aged 72 years)

Famines entrainant la révolution française
1788 (aged 86 years)

Révolution française
from May 5, 1789 to November 9, 1799 (aged 98 years)

Régime politique
Monarchie Constitutionnelle
September 4, 1791 (aged 89 years)

Régime politique
Ire République
September 22, 1792 (aged 91 years)

Régime politique
October 26, 1795 (aged 94 years)

Régime politique
November 9, 1799 (aged 98 years)

Empereur des Français
Napoléon Ier
May 18, 1804 (aged 102 years)

Roi de France
Louis XVII
April 6, 1814 (aged 112 years)

Régime politique
March 22, 1815 (aged 113 years)

Roi de France
June 22, 1815 (aged 113 years)

Family with parents
Birth: calculated 1664 32 41
Burial: March 14, 1719Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
Religious marriage Religious marriageNovember 24, 1693Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
2 years
elder brother
Christening: March 8, 1696 32Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
Burial: May 1, 1697Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
22 months
elder brother
8 months
elder brother
Christening: September 9, 1697 33Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
20 months
elder sister
Christening: April 29, 1699 35Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
Burial: December 1, 1699Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
2 years
Birth: September 7, 1701 37Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
21 months
younger sister
Christening: June 11, 1703 39Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
Burial: March 29, 1766Avoise, 72021, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
22 months
younger brother
Christening: March 24, 1705 41Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
21 months
younger sister
Christening: December 27, 1706 42Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
23 months
younger brother
Birth: November 1708 44
Burial: January 3, 1712Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE
3 years
younger sister
Christening: May 6, 1711 47Pincé, 72236, Sarthe, PAYS de la LOIRE, FRANCE