Jacques Nicolas Béquot, 18291864 (aged 35 years)

Jacques Nicolas /Béquot/
Given names
Jacques Nicolas
Birth May 19, 1829 28 30
Roi des Français
Louis-Philippe Ier
August 9, 1830 (aged 1 year)

Note: dernier roi de France
Death of a maternal grandfatherJean Baptiste Bara
May 5, 1831 (aged 1 year) Age: 77
Informant: François Varlet (aged 38 years) — son-in-law
Informant: Jacques Béquot (aged 30 years) — son-in-law
Birth of a brotherJean Baptiste Béquot
October 1, 1832 (aged 3 years)
Death of a brotherJean Baptiste Béquot
February 24, 1834 (aged 4 years) Age: 17 months
Birth of a sisterMarguerite Céline Béquot
April 9, 1835 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a brotherJean Baptiste Alphonse Béquot
December 15, 1837 (aged 8 years)
Régime politique
Gouvernement Provisoire de 1848
February 25, 1848 (aged 18 years)

Régime politique
IIe République
November 4, 1848 (aged 19 years)

1er président de la République Française
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte
December 10, 1848 (aged 19 years)

Empereur des Français
Napoléon III
December 4, 1852 (aged 23 years)

Death November 3, 1864 (aged 35 years)
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Family with parents
Birth: June 30, 1800Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: December 11, 1864Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Birth: May 9, 1799 43 36Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: June 19, 1871Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Marriage MarriageApril 26, 1822Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
13 months
elder sister
Birth: June 3, 1823 22 24Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: November 27, 1823Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
14 months
elder brother
Birth: August 9, 1824 24 25Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: September 23, 1824Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
19 months
elder sister
Birth: March 6, 1826 25 26Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
2 years
elder sister
Birth: February 24, 1828 27 28Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: July 17, 1902Suippes, 51559, Marne, GRAND EST, FRANCE
15 months
Birth: May 19, 1829 28 30Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: November 3, 1864Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
3 years
younger brother
Birth: October 1, 1832 32 33Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
Death: February 24, 1834Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
3 years
younger sister
Birth: April 9, 1835 34 35Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE
3 years
younger brother
Birth: December 15, 1837 37 38Aire, 08004, Ardennes, GRAND EST, FRANCE

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